Fire Smart and the Bridge River Valley
In early April I had the opportunity to attend a tour of the Provincial Wildfire Centre, the Kamloops Zone Fire Centre and Logan Lake. In Logan Lake we were toured around this small community to see the systematic way they have approached both Fire Smart principles on private property and fuel mitigation on crown and community owned property. Logan Lake has been doing this work for over a decade.
When you drive around the Bridge River Valley it is readily obvious that many of our homes and businesses are directly in a wildfire interface zone or very close. The fuel loading is heavy in our area. Dead trees, thick underbrush, thick lower limbs on trees, trees close together and so on all contribute to fuel loading.
Through UBCM and the SLRD, I plan to access funding over the next number of years to systematically and strategically tackle fuel mitigation on areas that are crown land that interfaces with private property. The province puts in between 75 and 90% (depending on project size) and local government needs to commit between 10 and 25%.
This is only ½ the job however. Fuel mitigation and basic Fire Smart-ing also needs to done on private property. We are forming a valley-wide Fire Smart committee to develop a list of realistic actions to address hazards and then schedule the recommended activities to mitigate those hazards. Needed are 1-2 people from each of the communities and neighborhoods to help build the Fire Smart action plan. Everyone is welcome, but most particularly need representatives from Bralorne, Gold Bridge and Gun Creek Rd/Tyaughton Lake area. Currently two people from Gun Lake, one from Tyaughton Lake and one from Marshall Lake have volunteered. Thank You!
The meeting will be Thursday, June 14 at 6 pm at the Community Resource Building. Ryan Wainwright, the Emergency Planning Manager will come and assist us through the process. Please call or email me if you have any questions.This photo was taken in Logan Lake on Community owned land. You can see the delimbing, thining & cleaning of undergrowth.
Replacement of Bralorne Sewer System
Plan A - We want it to work!!!!! Keep your fingers crossed!!! Or if you pray, pray! Whatever it takes lets hope it works!!!!
You may be aware of the new intake of competition-based funding announced under the Federal GasTax Funding General Strategic Priorities (GSPF) and Innovations Fund (IF) programs administered by the Union of BC Municipalities. The purpose of the Gas Tax Funding is “to provide Local Governments with a source of stable, predictable and long-term funding towards environmentally sustainable municipal infrastructure to help them address their infrastructure needs and meet sustainabilityobjectives.”
The SLRD submitted a funding application by the May 31 deadline to the GSPF program for a capital project that will improve the sewer system in Bralorne. The existing system is nearly 90 years old and is in extreme need of repair/upgrade; existing piping is undersized, well beyond its lifespan and in poor condition. A study conducted recently by the engineering firm, TRUE Consulting Group, has indicated that catastrophic failures are imminent, posing significant health and environmental risks to the community.
Improving the sewer system in Bralorne is a key strategic priority for the SLRD that would have a lasting positive impact on the health, environment and economic sustainability of the community. Utilizing the latest innovations in energy efficient septic treatment, the upgraded system would result in improved wastewater quality and aquatic habitat. New sewer infrastructure would also improve the town’s ability to attract new businesses and residents, thereby stimulating the local economy.Creation of Umbrella Society in the Bridge River Valley Continues
Link to updated engineering study. This study includes some of the history of how we got to this place.
$5,000 from Area A Select Funds was granted to assist the Bridge River Valley Economic Development Society (BRVEDS) with the costs associated with the dissolution of the Bralorne-Bridge River Valley Community Association (BBRVCA) and transfer of assets from the BBRVCA to the BRVEDS.
The Bralorne. See for Yourself. (Bralorne Community Advisory) committee has been formed, undertaken strategic planning and has a terms of reference to guide its operation. Going forward the Bridge River Valley Economic Development Society will provide support and expertise so that volunteer efforts can be focused on achieving important goals for the Bralorne Community Hall, the Ball Diamond and the Sunshine Ski Hill.
Terms of Reference for the Bralorne Community Advisory Committee:
Investigative Licences granted to Wind and Run of River Locations
Wind Monitoring Tower Site Tenures have been granted by the provincial government to Rupert Peace Power in Dash Creek, Lone Valley, Quartz Mountain, Big Sheep Mountain, Noel Creek and Goat Creek
Additionally,a Water Power Investigate Licence has been granted by the provincial government to Ruper Peace Power Corp for the Hurley River.
Links to items with maps:
I am planning to do more detailed follow up on these as time permits, if you are interested in volunteering to do this followup on behalf of the community please let me know. I'd appreciate the assistance.
Interested in What's going on in the Regional District as a whole?
Interested in What's going on in the Regional District as a whole?
This is a link to the May 2012 Update:
Did you know? Its Tax Time!!!
The major revenue sources for regional district services include property taxes, parcel taxes and fees and charges. In electoral areas, such as ours, regional district taxes are collected by the BC Ministry of Small Bussines and Revenue. Each year, the regional district submits tax requisitions for each service to the Ministry through the Inspector of Municipalities. The Ministry applies a rate agains assessed property values within each relevant service area to raise the revenue required. Once collect, the revenues are paid to the regional district.Your property tax notice will list a tax rate beside each of the listed services. The amount owing is determined by multilying the tax rate by the property's assessed value.If you have any questions about your tax notice please call me and I'll walk you through the part of your taxes that relate to the Regional District.