Friday, August 23, 2013

ROAD 40 Erosion Issues and Other items

Want to make special mention of the Wildfire Management Branch, the Gun Lake Fire Protection Society directors and volunteers, and folks from around Gun Lake who got "on it" Sunday, August 10 after a very very bad electrical storm landed itself right on top of the Gun Lake area.  Thank you all for your prompt and effective response!


Two new bridges have been installed on Slim Creek Main FSR , one across Roxey Creek and one across Slim Creek.   This will ensure travel is a-ok on this road for some years to come and will also allow for snowmobile access beyond the Slim Creek drainage.

This is a very positive investment for our community!!!  Thank you to Ministry of Forests Cascade Forest District!!!


For those of you who didn't see my initial blog post on this issue it is here:

I also wrote a Director's report to the SLRD board requesting their support on the issue.  The board agreed and a letter was sent to the Minister of Transportation.

On August 14, there was a meeting that involved Ministry officials from Ministry of Transportation and Environment, BC Hydro, Jackie Tegart (MLA) , her constituency assistant Lori Pilon and Phil Doddridge, Interior Roads on the topic of Road 40 erosion & dirt piling and myself.   DFO officials were invited but did not attend.

There are 8 sections totalling 1020 m. of the road which are being eroded.  Prior to 1990, policy permitted material coming down from the upslope to be used to fill areas of erosion.  Since the policy changed, the erosion has developed into serious areas of concern. 

The meeting took a very positive and cooperative direction with the main focus on instituting a program of erosion control rather than infrastructure type programs.  The result of this could actually be neutral or cost saving, as this material is currently trucked and dumped in piles all over the place. I was particularly impressed with the approach of Ray Stevens, Area Mgr., BC Hydro who frankly admitted this section of road is a mess and it needs to be fixed and asked: “What can BC Hydro do to help”. 

Specifically at this meeting:

·         committed to identifying and prioritizing approximately 7- 8 sites for short term repair, to be identified by location and scope.

·         Construction consideration using select ditch waste materials to be end dumped using a suitable size and gradation.

·         review Hydro reports for relevant information and consideration towards Sec. 9 approval (Seton and Carpenter lake reports) (Section 9 is the environmental-fish bearing issue approval)

·         compile information and send to Regional environmental staff to develop a plan for submission to DFO

·         forward Mission Mtn Road geotech report for further geotech and environment background information on Carpenter lake.

·         collate information and forward to our environmental team.

·         Communications with environmental group/supply any relevant reports or background reservoir information to MoTI

Both the MLA and myself were very pleased with the positive, cooperative approach and I am very hopeful that this particular part of the challenges regarding Rd 40 may be solved.  I will keep abreast and advise if further roadblocks appear.


As you know the south end Boat Launch at Gun Lake was damaged by ice last winter.  It is very difficult to use.   A small group of Gun Lake people met recently to discuss its short term and longer term maintenance.
One of the action items out of that meeting was to conduct a survey to see what users of the boat launch think should be done.  SO HAVE YOUR SAY!! 



The Firearms Discharge Bylaw has been updated and adopted.

One sign will be erected in each of the 3 areas this year and if required more will be put up next year. 

The link to the bylaw and maps is here:

Both the RCMP and the Provincial Government (for hunting regulations) have been advised.

I will make sure that the Community Resource Building has copies of the maps for a minimal charge and also they will put them on the wall somewhere down there.

By now you probably have figured out that I like to know what you are thinking about various issues.  It really helps me determine the approach I take on various issues, and it gives me strength to really be strong when advocating for you the taxpayers of this area.  Thank you for participating in all my surveys!  You can always call, email, Facebook or Tweet me too!

Survey about the Hurley River Rd.  I'm sure you will all enjoy doing this one if you haven't already!   Don't forget to keep an eye out at  for updates and information about the Hurley and roads leading to and from it!

As many of you know our community, and Bralorne in particular, has been dealing with the return of forestry to this area...See my previous blog for info.

Two resolutions, forwarded to SLRD and on to the local government associations have been passed.  Similar challenges have cropped up elsewhere in the SLRD and the following letter was written, subsequent to SLRD Board discussions and resolutions:
Letter to Steve Thomson re Public's Role in Forestry

I would like to also draw your attention to a series of Bulletins put out by the Forest Practices Board which to me see to have balanced and thought through recommendations.

The need to manage culmulative effects

Professional_Reliance_in_BC_Forests - Is it really the issue?

Public Involvement in Forest Planning


 Report & Proposed Bylaw Amendment

Let me know what you think! 


Coming out of the Community Information Meeting in July, I am asking for two Gold Bridge property owners to volunteer to work with me over the 8 or so months to review the Gold Bridge Water System budget, determine best alternatives and options for funding the Gold Bridge Water System and to report back to Gold Bridge property owners. This work will inform the budget/taxation going forward for this service.   Please contact me if you are interested.  We will get started in October and probably complete next April. 


Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 11 - Wildfire Situation in Bridge River Valley

Latest news: 2:30 pm, Aug 11. WMB had a helicopter bucketing out of Little Gun Lake for fire K70582 (east of Downton-Lajoie BR. 2) and out of Gun Lake for fire K70589 (Northwest of Gun Lake, south of Slim Creek). Both fires are now in mop-up.

August 11

K70582 – North of Downton FSR

One Initial Attack Crew is on site, estimated at 0.1of a hectare, burning rank 2 (little or no spread, but has open flame)  Burning in brush and heavy timber.  Crews have requested an additional 5 pack and a heli to support.


K70578 – Mount Williams

Rap Crew deployed this morning, fire is 10ft x 10ft, and just smouldering.  Will be on site to extinguish today.


K70567 – Kingdom Lake

Spot sized lightning fire, 5 firefighters on site working to extinguish today.


K70556 – 19km Highline Road

Air tankers are on site already this morning.  Fire is estimated at 1.2 hectares, burning rank 2, minimal spread.  1 helicopter and 10 firefighters are working the blaze.



A mudslide across the Truax Road this morning, has closed access to the fire.  We are flying the 18 firefighters to the site, and working on re-establishing road access.  The fire did take rain last night, but smoke is still visible from the smouldering ground fire.  The fire is now GPS’d at 8 hectares (was estimated at 12).

August 8
This is a 12 h - Category 3 (fairly intense) fire. It is currently being actioned by 1 Air Tanker & 2 more are on their way. This fire has been assigned a Fire Info Officer & as I get information I will share with you. I will also put this info on my blog, shortly.

Sal and I went out on the Lake and you can definitely see smoke in this area and also could see the air tanker auctioning.
I will update this blog as information becomes available & if needed!